Bylearning how to apply computational and quantitative methodologies to diverse subject areas, whileunderstanding the theoretical underpinnings of computing and software development, you will be prepared for fields where radical change is the norm.Ourcurriculum provides detailed instruction in topics as wide-ranging as java programming and discrete mathematics and will helpdeepen yourliberal arts foundation by enhancing your quantitative and abstract reasoning skillsandyour ability toefficientlyformulate and solve problems. Find immediate practical applications for your studies through ourTechnology and Cognition Lab andyour professors’ongoing collaborative projectswith colleagues at world-renowned universities and research labs.
The educational goals for this major are as follows:
You will find yourself within a setting that stresses the importance of a contextualized and active learning approach,whichemphasizes interdisciplinary education and research through close ties with other ҵ departments, as well as universities and industries around the world. Our small classes are meant to foster open discussion, guided individualand group projects, as well asbroaderstudent-professor collaborations.
With every single one of our majors, you’ll find a carefully curated medley of core courses and electives, which will provide you with the tools you need to establish an unshakeable foundation in the principles and concepts fundamental to your growth within your disciplines of choice. Many majors also enable you to specialize further within the broader area of study.
We aim to help you develop a range of skills, capacities, and modes of inquiry that willprovecrucial since employers and graduate schools are looking for the critical thinking and innovative problem-solving skills that are associated with a liberal arts education. Many of ourstudents continuetheir studies at top institutions like MITand Harvard,while othersbegin careers infieldslikemobile application development.
Each elective provides you with entry toa variety of subject areas which you can choose among to further focus your studies. With the help of your academic advisor, you’ll be able to tailor your major so that it most effectively prepares you for the next step in your academic and professional journey.
You may choose to orient your Computer Science major towards the Information and Communication Technologiesspecialization. Whilebuildingthe groundworkforyour computer science studies, you will take complementary coursestolink your major withanother, broader, interest. Previous students have chosen to combine computer science with subject areasthat includebusiness, economics, art history, and psychology.
The Computer Science core courses, which you must take as part of the major requirements, will provide you with the tools you’ll need to ground your present and future studies. Your introduction to the fundamentals of Computer Science will help pave the way for your successful completion of other Computer Science courses.
Introduces the tools of statistical analysis. Combines theory with extensive data collection and computer-assisted laboratory work. Develops an attitude of mind accepting uncertainty and variability as part of problem analysis and decision-making. Topics include: exploratory data analysis and data transformation, hypothesis-testing and the analysis of variance, simple and multiple regression with residual and influence analyses.
Introduces differential and integral calculus. Develops the concepts of calculus as applied to polynomials, logarithmic, and exponential functions. Topics include: limits, derivatives, techniques of differentiation, applications to extrema and graphing; the definite integral; the fundamental theorem of calculus, applications; logarithmic and exponential functions, growth and decay; partial derivatives. Appropriate for students in the biological, management, computer and social sciences.
Introduces the field of computer science and the fundamental concepts of programming from an object-oriented perspective using the programming language Java. Starts with practical problem-solving and leads to the study and analysis of simple algorithms, data types, control structures, and use of simple data structures such as arrays and strings.
This is the second part of the foundation course for the Information and Communication Technologies degree program. Successful students will have a thorough knowledge of the computer language Java, the systematic development of programs, problem-solving and a knowledge of some of the fundamental algorithms of computer science. Essential concepts include inheritance, polymorphism, and error-handling, using exceptions.
Uses predefined classes and class libraries to introduce standard data structures (stacks, queues, sets, trees, and graphs). Studies and implements algorithms for string-searching, sorting, trees and graph traversals. Introduces algorithm complexity analysis and big-Oh (O,,) notation.
This course is designed to highlight discrete mathematical structures. Discusses propositional logic, proofs and mathematical induction, matrices of relations and digraphs, set theory and number bases, combinatorial analysis, graph theory and Boolean algebra.The prerequisite for this course is MA1010 or above or CS 1040.
The course explains through an architecture perspective the principles and practice of computer networking, with emphasis on the Internet and on pervasive computing. The following topics will be covered: structure and components of distributed systems, layered ISO/OSI architectures, protocols, local Area Networks, wide area networking issues including routing, flow control. Some advanced topics will also be covered such as pervasive computing, ad-hoc networks, security and privacy.
Studies the design and implementation of general-purpose operating systems on digital computers: memory management, virtual memory, storage hierarchy evaluation, multiprogramming, process creation, synchronization, deadlock, message communication, parallel programming constructs, I/O management, and file systems. Includes case studies of major operating systems.
Introduces theories of human-computer interaction and analyzes human factors related to the design, development, and use of Information Systems. Students will apply these theories with examples of design, implementation, and evaluation of multimedia user interfaces. The subject of this course is inherently interdisciplinary and the students attending the course normally represent several majors.
This course addresses writing in a professional context for both Computer Science and Mathematics. Students will learn to write technical material aimed at professionals, to engage in peer review and critique (including writing a reviewing report directed to the author) and appropriate styles of writing for different audiences (e.g. children, the general public, an evaluator, professional colleagues). Students will explore quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, as well as how to design, and report on, different types of studies, including observational studies, scientific experiments, usability studies and many others. Along the way, they will learn to write in mark-up language (such as LaTeX or other) appropriate to the context.
Much of the world’s population relies on online technologies, particularly online applications accessed through a web browser, otherwise known as websites. Understanding how websites work and being able to create powerful online applications is an important aspect of the software profession. More than other digital applications, complete web applications require the integration of numerous technologies. This course will introduce students to online technologies and provide the foundations and skills needed for creating professional web applications. The course will cover HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Node.js. Students will create full-stack websites backed by a SQL database. Prior programming experience is required.
In this course we will follow the Agile approach to software engineering. The course will use a SaaS project-oriented approach in order to teach key methodologies such as Behavior and Test Driven Development, Pair Programming, Design Patterns, Tools for Automation, Continuous Integration and others. Among technologies which will be learned are: git, github, linux, ruby, rails and various gems. Attending CS3051 and CS1050 before taking this course is recommended.
Introduces databases from the programmer's perspective. IT and CS students have common lectures but different projects. IT students learn the fundamentals of database design, SQL, and how to integrate a database into applications. CS students learn the fundamentals of database design, application integration, query motors, and space management.
A Senior Project is an independent study representing a Major Capstone Project that needs to be registered using the Senior Project registration form. (Download:
An Internship can replace one elective from the ICT curriculum. It may be done in France or elsewhere. Internships may be taken for 1 or 4 credits. Students may do more than one internship, but internship credit cannot cumulatively total more than 4 credits.